Shrewsberry was part of the design team that was selected to provide professional services to rehabilitate the pavement of Taxiway H, H1 and H2 and to upgrade the taxiway lighting to LED.
As part of the design team, Shrewsberry provided engineering services for the electrical portion of the design. Design tasks included site visits to verify taxiway edge light circuit routing, light locations, and lighting vault configurations. Record drawings were also examined to help determine those items. Following the data collection effort, Shrewsberry prepared the bid documents for the electrical items, which included removal of the existing incandescent fixtures and replacement with LED fixtures, removal and replacement of existing cable and transformers, installation of new homerun duct bank with pull can plazas, and replacement of incandescent guidance signs with new LED signs within the project limits.
Phase 1 of the project, which included Taxiway H from Taxiway R to Runway 14-32, was designed in fast-track mode in order to meet the FAA discretionary funding deadline. The design team had to work quickly and efficiently in order to produce a quality set of bid documents that would allow the airport authority to obtain good bids. For Phase 1, one bid was received and was below the engineer’s estimate. The effort by the design team allowed the project to move forward with construction.
Shrewsberry also provided construction administration services for the electrical portion of the construction.