Project Details

In October of 2017, funds were transferred to the Seymour District from Shrewsberry’s on-call
contract with the Vincennes District to provide design services for the S.R. 60 and Salem Bypass
intersection improvement project.

The intersection currently consists of two-way stop-control of Salem Bypass at S.R. 60. Since
opening Salem Bypass in late 2012, the intersection has experienced a high frequency of serious
crashes, resulting in public and political concern. The District previously implemented several low impact
enhancements to improve safety at the intersection, including the installation of warning
signs, flashing stop signs, pavement markings, and rumble strips, as well as reducing the speed limit
of S.R. 60 from 55 to 45 mph. However, crashes still occur; therefore, a more substantial safety
improvement is necessary.

A single-lane modern roundabout was proposed to best improve safety and accommodate present
and future traffic volumes. For the Stage 1 submittal in 2018, Shrewsberry received Above Average
scores for Scope, Schedule, Responsiveness, Design Concept, Plan Quality, and Documentation
of Work. For the later Stage 3 submittal, Shrewsberry again received Above Average scores for
Scope and Schedule, while improving Responsiveness score to Exceeds. A Public Hearing was held in
January 2020, the project successfully let in September 2020, and construction will begin in spring

Design services for the project included roundabout design, lighting design, public outreach,
environmental documentation and permitting, and utility coordination. Additionally, the roundabout
was designed to remain within existing right-of-way to avoid impacting adjacent existing wetland
mitigation planting areas and right-of-way acquisition.

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