Taxiway A is an asphalt parallel taxiway to Runway 16R-34L that has reached the end of its usable life and consists of deteriorated and aging pavement. This project includes environmental, design and bid phase services for the rehabilitation of Taxiway A from Taxiway A1 to Taxiway A4.
The rehabilitation will include a mill and overlay of Taxiway A, Taxiway A1, and Taxiway A2. The mill and overlay will also extend onto Runway 34L to include the threshold bar. The pavement rehabilitation will also include the existing aircraft holding apron. The existing section of taxiway to be rehabilitated includes Taxiway A that is 75-feet wide with unpaved shoulders. New 30-foot-wide taxiway shoulders will be constructed to meet current FAA TDG 5 criteria. Drainage improvements will include new storm drain pipe, drainage structures and new underdrain system that will connect to the existing drainage system. Electrical improvements include new junction cans and taxiway edge lights. In addition, new conduit and light cans will be installed for future centerline lighting that will begin from the Runway 16R end, down Taxiway A1 and south along Taxiway A.
Taxiway A3 is a taxiway with non-standard geometry and is an acute angle taxiway with a configuration that supports exiting aircraft on Runway 16R. Taxiway A3 will be removed and relocated as part of this project and constructed to current FAA Standards for a 90-degree exit connector.
Shrewsberry is providing airfield engineering design services. Design services include airfield marking design, erosion control design, and overall plan quality control reviews.